National Castles Day 2024 - Rota do Românico

National Castles Day 2024


Celorico de Basto - Other Events

Castelo de Arnoia

Lugar do Castelo, Arnoia, Celorico de Basto

41.363523, -8.05189

+351 255 810 706

See Map

The Route of the Romanesque and the Municipality of Celorico de Basto are promoting a programme of activities at the Castle of Arnoia for children and families on Sunday, October 6, between 3 and 5 pm.

As part of the celebrations for National Castles Day 2024, which takes place the following day, the programme includes a guided tour to the Castle of Arnoia, classified as a National Monument since 1946, and various themed workshops: making acronyms out of clay tablets, assembling puzzles and building three-dimensional monuments out of paper.

At the end of the activities, which also include the educational game The Route, participants will be given (and stamped) the Route of the Romanesque Passports.

The activities are free, subject to prior registration here.

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