Heritage Carer Day 2023 - Rota do Românico

Heritage Carer Day 2023


The Route of the Romanesque celebrates, today, October 18th, Heritage Carer Day.

A tribute to all those who, in a dedicated and unconditional way, look after and cherish our monuments, also constituting an invaluable living memory of the place.

This year, we marked the anniversary by offering the publications “Ver do Bago, um brinde entre Deus e os Homens” and “Verso do Bago, prova da literatura no vinho, uma seleção”.

Some photographic records of that moment can be seen here.

On October 18, 2020, the day of Saint Luke, the patron saint of doctors, the Rota do Romanesque, in an unprecedented initiative in Portugal, celebrated Heritage Carer Day for the first time. Since then, it has been carrying out several associated activities, including, among others, the creation of a thematic digital channel, intergenerational meetings with the school community, conferences to disseminate good practices, an exhibition and a photo book.

The project Heritage Carers, in 2022, won the TRANSROMANICA and APOM (Innovation and Creativity category) prizes.

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